Robust foundations in construction

With years of experience producing marketing campaigns for the building materials and construction industry, STB is the perfect creative partner for marketers in that sector.

Every sector brings its own unique marketing challenges, and an agency partner that shares a deep understanding of how to overcome them is worth its weight in high-density concrete.

In construction, it takes skill to land the right tone of voice and messaging for every audience niche. It’s a very different job pitching your products to an architect, engineer, or housebuilder, compared to a home DIY enthusiast. We know that technical audiences want clear specifications relevant to their business needs. Younger audiences are best reached digitally and through the immediacy of social platforms. Whoever the audience, we can help you create accessible content.

Visually, design for construction and building materials can be quite brash and in-your-face. And brand guidelines often need adapting for UK audiences. We can help with that too.

We understand the daily challenges you have internally too. We can help join the dots – drawing out valuable expertise from the specialists in your product team; supporting your sales team to do their job with training packs, presentation templates and leave-behind materials; and delivering professional, on-brand designs and measurably effective campaigns for the marketing team.

It’s our job to clarify the complex through design, and we’re here to make even the densest information digestible and perfectly tailored to its intended audience.

For instance, greenwashing accusations are a big pitfall in this industry. It takes more than a generic visual of a tree to communicate your sustainability credentials. And codes and classifications may do the job for specifiers, but they don’t always tell the best point-of-sale story.

We know how to assert the social and environmental benefits of your product or service credibly and meaningfully for the end user. We can help you communicate a bigger-picture social and environmental message through great design. And in areas where complex jargon muddies the waters, like Health & Safety, we can deliver clarity to avoid misinterpretations.

We also know that, with the best intentions, things can move a little slowly in the construction industry. Our expert account managers are on-hand to oil the wheels, guiding projects through more swiftly. We’re reactive with amends to speed up senior sign-offs, because ad placement deadlines wait for no one.

With an enviable client list in this sector, STB is perfectly placed to tackle your next branding challenge.

Get in touch with Caitlin to find out we can help on your next project: